Class UnitTestsGen


public class UnitTestsGen
extends org.apache.tools.ant.Task

UnitTestsGen.java extends org.apache.tools.ant.Task extension. It implements task which allows use Unit Tests Generator from ANT and controll test classes genrating from build.xml file.
It is very simple at the moment and support only subset of features offered by 'ANT'.

To use it in your developing process you must define new task in your build.xml. To do this put in the beggining of your build file such lines:

     <taskdef name="unitgen"
Where, of course, 'some_dir' is directory where 'unittestsgen.jar' file exists.
Since we already defined new task we can use it at any time we need it. Of course it can be used in many ways depends of particular case. I recomend very simple but effective use. Look below to see almost complete very simple build.xml sample.
 <project name="UnitTestsGen" default="dist" basedir=".">
     <taskdef name="unitgen" classname="testsgen.taskant.UnitTestsGen"/>
     <property name="src" value="src"/>
     <property name="test-src" value="test-src"/>
     <property name="build" value="build"/>
     <target name="compile" description="Compile sources in ${tmpsrc} directory">
         <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
         <javac srcdir="${src};${test-src}" destdir="${build}"
                debug="on" deprecation="off">
                 <pathelement location="${libs}/junit.jar"/>
     <target name="jar" depends="compile">
         <jar jarfile="jar/${jarfile}.jar" manifest="MANIFEST.MF" basedir="${build}">
             <exclude name="** /*TestCase*.*"/>
             <exclude name="TestAll.*"/>
         <unitgen update="true" classpath="${build};${libs}/junit.jar"
                  imput="${src}" output="${test-src}"/>
After excecuting command 'ant jar' you should see similar output:
     [javac] Compiling 36 source files to /home/kobit/projects/unittestsgen/build
       [jar] Building jar: /home/kobit/projects/unittestsgen/jar/unittestsgen.jar
   [unitgen] Finished work: files 21, sources 14, new classes 3, new methods 7
Every time you will be building jar file all your source classes will be checked against changes made and test classes will be updated if necessary.
In above sample 'unitteg' task found 21 files in given directory and 14 files with source code which can be tested. So it generated 3 new test classes and added 7 new methods to existing test classes.

Below you can read detailed list of all supported attributes. All given attributes are translated to command line parameters form for GenerateTests class. So you can find similar list but with a little different names in this class documentation.
In description titles you have sample use code. Given values are default in most cases. If there are given multiple options first one is default. There are some differencies in defaults values between ANT task mode and command line mode.

  1. config="gentest.cfg" This attribute is useful for command line running this tool. It is not very suitable for using it in build.xml file but it is possible. Additionaly you must note that content of this file should contain names of the command line form. See GenerateTests.java documentation for complete list of command line parameters or run this tool from command line as following:
     java -jar unittestsgen.jar --help
    As you can see there are a lot of possible parameters for running this application. Although almost all defaults are suitable for most cases if you use different options it is very difficult to run tool every time with long list of command line parameters.
    So you can put all parameters in file and use it each time you need. Default file name is 'gentest.cfg'. Content of this file should be of the following form:
     key = value
    Where key is name of command line parameter you want to set. You can also use there comments: Lines which starts with '#' character. and blank lines.
    If you use both config file and parameters in command line they will be processed in giving order. So last given parameter will be used during processing.
  2. classpath="your_class_files;libs.jar;junit.jar" Where your class file should be jar file containing your all compiled files including test classes or directory where lies all your compiled files.
    It is the most important parameter because this is only parameter which is always required.
    Since there is no way to set additional CLASSPATH during call: 'java -jar package.jar' here I provided parameter to set location of additional necessary classes. For example it is required to set location of jar file with compiled classes for sources found in '--input-directory' or set location of additional libraries for code parsers and generators like junit.jar. Please remember: if your project contains already some test classes you must put here jar file with compiled test classes. This allow analyze them and extend current test classes with additional test code for new created methods in source classes.
    It supports also nested classpath element in common ANT use.
  3. pattern="*TestCase.java" Pattern for creating names of test classes. The most commonly used standards are to put 'Test' string at the beginning of source class name or at the end of class name.
  4. output="test-src" Store test files in this given directory.
    You can store your test files in different directories. There are two common used posibilities: store in the same directory tree where source classes are or create separated directory tree only for test classes. Please note that if you even put test classes in separated directory tree all related test classes will be always in the same packages where source classes are. It allows test classes to access to all non-private methods in source classes. It is good idea to test all non-private classes members.
  5. input="src" Process files in given directory. But note that test classes will be searched in both input and output directories. But stored will always in output directory tree.
  6. content="both|empty|code|comments" Set here what you want to have in new generated test methods.
  7. overwrite="false|true" Force overwriting existing files. And additionaly please note that new test classes will be always created in output directory even if they found in input directory.
  8. update="true|false" Allow overwriting existing files if they need updating. This parameter is required for extending existing test classes with new code. Whole existing code will be left unchanged. And additionaly please note that new test classes will be always created in output directory even if they found in input directory.
  9. mask="*.java" Process source files with given file mask. At the moment there is very limited support for this feature.
  10. recursive="true|false" Recursive directories processing.
  11. test="false|true" Test only mode don't make any changes on disk.
  12. quiet="true|false" Don't display any messages on screen.
  13. debug="false|true" Display additional debug messages.
  14. help="false|true" Display help message and exit program. I don't expect it as useful feature for ANT task mode but I left it here for full compatibility with command line mode.
  15. version="false|true" Display version info and exit program. I don't expect it as useful feature for ANT task mode but I left it here for full compatibility with command line mode.
  16. implementations="testsgen.wttools" Package where are all modules implementations necessary for file processing.
  17. target="testsgen.wttools.CodeGenImpl" Name of class which generate code for unit test. It must be 'CodeGenIfc' implementation.
  18. logimpl="testsgen.wttools.LogImpl" Name of class which implements logging facility. It must be 'LogIfc' implementation.
  19. propertyimpl="testsgen.wttools.PropertyImpl" Name of class which implements property access facility. It must be 'PropertyIfc' implementation.
  20. dirwalker="testsgen.wttools.DirWalkerImpl" Name of class which provides file names list to process. It must be 'DirWalkerIfc' implementation.
  21. parser="testsgen.wttools.SrcParserImpl" Name of class which parses source code. In other words it should provide list of preparsed structures which identifies source files. It must be 'SrcParserIfc' implementation.
  22. codegen="testsgen.wttools.CodeGenImpl" Name of class which generate code for unit test. It is synonym for --target-unit-test class.

Created: Thu Jan 31 08:37:42 2002

$Revision: 1.4 $
Artur Hefczyc

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.tools.ant.types.CommandlineJava commandline
static java.lang.String created
static java.lang.String dedicated
protected static java.lang.String PAR_CLASSPATH
protected static java.lang.String PAR_CODEGEN
protected static java.lang.String PAR_CONFIG
protected static java.lang.String PAR_CONTENT
protected static java.lang.String PAR_DEBUG
protected static java.lang.String PAR_DIRWALKER
protected static java.lang.String PAR_FORCE
protected static java.lang.String PAR_HELP
protected static java.lang.String PAR_IMPLEMENTATIONS
protected static java.lang.String PAR_INPUT
protected static java.lang.String PAR_LOGIMPL
protected static java.lang.String PAR_MASK
protected static java.lang.String PAR_OUTPUT
protected static java.lang.String PAR_PARSER
protected static java.lang.String PAR_PATTERN
protected static java.lang.String PAR_PROPERTYIMPL
protected static java.lang.String PAR_QUIET
protected static java.lang.String PAR_RECURSIVE
protected static java.lang.String PAR_TARGET
protected static java.lang.String PAR_TEST
protected static java.lang.String PAR_UPDATE
protected static java.lang.String PAR_VERSION
protected  java.util.Properties prop
static java.lang.String version
Fields inherited from class org.apache.tools.ant.Task
description, location, target, taskName, taskType, wrapper
Fields inherited from class org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectComponent
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new UnitTestsGen instance.
Method Summary
 org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path createClasspath()
          Method createClasspath sets internal parameter to given Classpath attribute value.
 void execute()
          execute method performs ANT task work here.
 void init()
          init method sets start parameters for unit tests generator such as 'imput' and 'output' dirs to default values.
 void setClasspath(java.lang.String clp)
          Method setClasspath sets internal parameter to given Classpath attribute value.
 void setCodegen(java.lang.String codeg)
          Method setCodegen sets internal parameter to given Codegen attribute value.
 void setConfig(java.lang.String cfg)
          Method setConfig sets internal parameter to given Config attribute value.
 void setContent(java.lang.String cont)
          Method setContent sets internal parameter to given Content attribute value.
 void setDebug(java.lang.String debug)
          Method setDebug sets internal parameter to given Debug attribute value.
 void setDirwalker(java.lang.String dirw)
          Method setDirwalker sets internal parameter to given Dirwalker attribute value.
 void setHelp(java.lang.String help)
          Method setHelp sets internal parameter to given Help attribute value.
 void setImplementations(java.lang.String imp)
          Method setImplementations sets internal parameter to given Implementations attribute value.
 void setInput(java.lang.String indir)
          Method setInput sets internal parameter to given Input attribute value.
 void setLogimpl(java.lang.String log)
          Method setLogimpl sets internal parameter to given Logimpl attribute value.
 void setMask(java.lang.String mask)
          Method setMask sets internal parameter to given Mask attribute value.
 void setOutput(java.lang.String outdir)
          Method setOutput sets internal parameter to given Output attribute value.
 void setOverwrite(java.lang.String over)
          Method setOverwrite sets internal parameter to given Overwrite attribute value.
 void setParser(java.lang.String par)
          Method setParser sets internal parameter to given Parser attribute value.
 void setPattern(java.lang.String pat)
          Method setPattern sets internal parameter to given Pattern attribute value.
 void setPropertyimpl(java.lang.String pr)
          Method setPropertyimpl sets internal parameter to given Propertyimpl attribute value.
 void setQuiet(java.lang.String quiet)
          Method setQuiet sets internal parameter to given Quiet attribute value.
 void setRecursive(java.lang.String rec)
          Method setRecursive sets internal parameter to given Recursive attribute value.
 void setTarget(java.lang.String tar)
          Method setTarget sets internal parameter to given Target attribute value.
 void setTest(java.lang.String test)
          Method setTest sets internal parameter to given Test attribute value.
 void setUpdate(java.lang.String update)
          Method setUpdate sets internal parameter to given Update attribute value.
 void setVersion(java.lang.String ver)
          Method setVersion sets internal parameter to given Version attribute value.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tools.ant.Task
getDescription, getLocation, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, handleErrorOutput, handleOutput, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, setDescription, setLocation, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectComponent
getProject, setProject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_CLASSPATH


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_CONFIG


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_FORCE


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_INPUT


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_PATTERN


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_OUTPUT


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_CONTENT


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_MASK


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_RECURSIVE


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_TEST


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_QUIET


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_DEBUG


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_HELP


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_VERSION


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_IMPLEMENTATIONS


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_TARGET


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_LOGIMPL


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_PROPERTYIMPL


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_DIRWALKER


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_PARSER


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_CODEGEN


protected static final java.lang.String PAR_UPDATE


public static final java.lang.String version


public static final java.lang.String created


public static final java.lang.String dedicated


protected org.apache.tools.ant.types.CommandlineJava commandline


protected java.util.Properties prop
Constructor Detail


public UnitTestsGen()
Creates a new UnitTestsGen instance.
Method Detail


public void init()
init method sets start parameters for unit tests generator such as 'imput' and 'output' dirs to default values.
init in class org.apache.tools.ant.Task


public void execute()
             throws org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException
execute method performs ANT task work here. in particular it calls GenerateTests class for performing standard processing actions. As parameter GenerateTests gets Properties structure containing all options set by user or as default values.
execute in class org.apache.tools.ant.Task
org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException - if an error occurs


public void setConfig(java.lang.String cfg)
Method setConfig sets internal parameter to given Config attribute value. config="gentest.cfg" This attribute is useful for command line running this tool. It is not very suitable for using it in build.xml file but it is possible. Additionaly you must note that content of this file should contain names of the command line form. See GenerateTests.java documentation for complete list of command line parameters or run this tool from command line as following:
 java -jar unittestsgen.jar --help
As you can see there are a lot of possible parameters for running this application. Although almost all defaults are suitable for most cases if you use different options it is very difficult to run tool every time with long list of command line parameters.
So you can put all parameters in file and use it each time you need. Default file name is 'gentest.cfg'. Content of this file should be of the following form:
 key = value
Where key is name of command line parameter you want to set. You can also use there comments: Lines which starts with '#' character. and blank lines.
If you use both config file and parameters in command line they will be processed in giving order. So last given parameter will be used during processing.
cfg - a String value


public void setClasspath(java.lang.String clp)
Method setClasspath sets internal parameter to given Classpath attribute value. classpath="your_class_files;libs.jar;junit.jar" Where your class file should be jar file containing your all compiled files including test classes or directory where lies all your compiled files.
It is the most important parameter because this is only parameter which is always required.
Since there is no way to set additional CLASSPATH during call: 'java -jar package.jar' here I provided parameter to set location of additional necessary classes. For example it is required to set location of jar file with compiled classes for sources found in '--input-directory' or set location of additional libraries for code parsers and generators like junit.jar. Please remember: if your project contains already some test classes you must put here jar file with compiled test classes. This allow analyze them and extend current test classes with additional test code for new created methods in source classes.
It supports also nested classpath element in common ANT use.
clp - a String value


public org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path createClasspath()
Method createClasspath sets internal parameter to given Classpath attribute value. classpath="your_class_files;libs.jar;junit.jar" Where your class file should be jar file containing your all compiled files including test classes or directory where lies all your compiled files.
It is the most important parameter because this is only parameter which is always required.
Since there is no way to set additional CLASSPATH during call: 'java -jar package.jar' here I provided parameter to set location of additional necessary classes. For example it is required to set location of jar file with compiled classes for sources found in '--input-directory' or set location of additional libraries for code parsers and generators like junit.jar. Please remember: if your project contains already some test classes you must put here jar file with compiled test classes. This allow analyze them and extend current test classes with additional test code for new created methods in source classes.
It supports also nested classpath element in common ANT use.
a Path value


public void setInput(java.lang.String indir)
Method setInput sets internal parameter to given Input attribute value. input="src" Process files in given directory. But note that test classes will be searched in both input and output directories. But stored will always in output directory tree.
indir - a String value


public void setPattern(java.lang.String pat)
Method setPattern sets internal parameter to given Pattern attribute value. pattern="*TestCase.java" Pattern for creating names of test classes. The most commonly used standards are to put 'Test' string at the beginning of source class name or at the end of class name.
pat - a String value


public void setOutput(java.lang.String outdir)
Method setOutput sets internal parameter to given Output attribute value. output="test-src" Store test files in this given directory.
You can store your test files in different directories. There are two common used posibilities: store in the same directory tree where source classes are or create separated directory tree only for test classes. Please note that if you even put test classes in separated directory tree all related test classes will be always in the same packages where source classes are. It allows test classes to access to all non-private methods in source classes. It is good idea to test all non-private classes members.
outdir - a String value


public void setContent(java.lang.String cont)
Method setContent sets internal parameter to given Content attribute value. content="both|empty|code|comments" Set here what you want to have in new generated test methods.
cont - a String value


public void setOverwrite(java.lang.String over)
Method setOverwrite sets internal parameter to given Overwrite attribute value. overwrite="false|true" Force overwriting existing files. And additionaly please note that new test classes will be always created in output directory even if they found in input directory.
over - a String value


public void setMask(java.lang.String mask)
Method setMask sets internal parameter to given Mask attribute value. mask="*.java" Process source files with given file mask. At the moment there is very limited support for this feature.
mask - a String value


public void setRecursive(java.lang.String rec)
Method setRecursive sets internal parameter to given Recursive attribute value. recursive="true|false" Recursive directories processing.
rec - a String value


public void setTest(java.lang.String test)
Method setTest sets internal parameter to given Test attribute value. test="false|true" Test only mode don't make any changes on disk.
test - a String value


public void setQuiet(java.lang.String quiet)
Method setQuiet sets internal parameter to given Quiet attribute value. quiet="true|false" Don't display any messages on screen.
quiet - a String value


public void setDebug(java.lang.String debug)
Method setDebug sets internal parameter to given Debug attribute value. debug="false|true" Display additional debug messages.
debug - a String value


public void setHelp(java.lang.String help)
Method setHelp sets internal parameter to given Help attribute value. help="false|true" Display help message and exit program. I don't expect it as useful feature for ANT task mode but I left it here for full compatibility with command line mode.
help - a String value


public void setVersion(java.lang.String ver)
Method setVersion sets internal parameter to given Version attribute value. version="false|true" Display version info and exit program. I don't expect it as useful feature for ANT task mode but I left it here for full compatibility with command line mode.
ver - a String value


public void setImplementations(java.lang.String imp)
Method setImplementations sets internal parameter to given Implementations attribute value. implementations="testsgen.wttools" Package where are all modules implementations necessary for file processing.
imp - a String value


public void setTarget(java.lang.String tar)
Method setTarget sets internal parameter to given Target attribute value. target="testsgen.wttools.CodeGenImpl" Name of class which generate code for unit test. It must be 'CodeGenIfc' implementation.
tar - a String value


public void setLogimpl(java.lang.String log)
Method setLogimpl sets internal parameter to given Logimpl attribute value. logimpl="testsgen.wttools.LogImpl" Name of class which implements logging facility. It must be 'LogIfc' implementation.
log - a String value


public void setPropertyimpl(java.lang.String pr)
Method setPropertyimpl sets internal parameter to given Propertyimpl attribute value. propertyimpl="testsgen.wttools.PropertyImpl" Name of class which implements property access facility. It must be 'PropertyIfc' implementation.
pr - a String value


public void setDirwalker(java.lang.String dirw)
Method setDirwalker sets internal parameter to given Dirwalker attribute value. dirwalker="testsgen.wttools.DirWalkerImpl" Name of class which provides file names list to process. It must be 'DirWalkerIfc' implementation.
dirw - a String value


public void setParser(java.lang.String par)
Method setParser sets internal parameter to given Parser attribute value. parser="testsgen.wttools.SrcParserImpl" Name of class which parses source code. In other words it should provide list of preparsed structures which identifies source files. It must be 'SrcParserIfc' implementation.
par - a String value


public void setCodegen(java.lang.String codeg)
Method setCodegen sets internal parameter to given Codegen attribute value.
codeg - a String value


public void setUpdate(java.lang.String update)
Method setUpdate sets internal parameter to given Update attribute value. codegen="testsgen.wttools.CodeGenImpl" Name of class which generate code for unit test. It is synonym for --target-unit-test class.
update - a String value

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