Apache modules team:
Artur Hefczyc
WTTools site:
More WTTools
This is version 0.1.0 of wttools_apache_modules.
WTTools is shortcut for "Web Test Tools" you can find more details at http://wttools.sourceforge.net/.
This is dynamic pages generator for HTTP clients testing purpose.
At the moment it contains two apache modules:
To properly run and use this module you should install it through this steps: (If you use binary files instead of sources you can skip step number 3).
[user@host dir] $ tar -xzvf apache_modules-x.x.x.src.tar.gz
[user@host dir] $ apxs -o mod_pages_gen.so -c mod_pages_gen.c [user@host dir] $ apxs -o mod_pagesok_gen.so -c mod_pagesok_gen.c
[user@host dir] $ cp -fv mod_pages_gen.so /etc/httpd/modules/ [user@host dir] $ cp -fv mod_pagesok_gen.so /etc/httpd/modules/
LoadModule pages_gen_module modules/mod_pages_gen.so AddModule mod_pages_gen.c <Location /generate-test> SetHandler generate-test </Location> LoadModule pagesok_gen_module modules/mod_pagesok_gen.so AddModule mod_pagesok_gen.c <Location /generateok-test> SetHandler generateok-test </Location>In line <Location /generate-test> you can put some other base url for example "/gen-pages" but you should remember that all generated html pages will contain urls relative to given base url. Of course you can install only one module.
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
where localhost is address to machine where you install mod_pages_gen. If you have any problems with this application or you found any bugs or you have
any ideas about extending this package, want to join to project or you simply need
to contact me please send e-mail to addres:
Artur Hefczyc kobit@users.sf.net