Uses of Class

Packages that use ModuleException
HTTPClient This package provides a complete http client library. 

Uses of ModuleException in HTTPClient

Subclasses of ModuleException in HTTPClient
 class AuthSchemeNotImplException
          Signals that the handling of a authorization scheme is not implemented.

Methods in HTTPClient that throw ModuleException
 int HTTPResponse.getStatusCode()
          Give the status code for this request.
 java.lang.String HTTPResponse.getReasonLine()
          Give the reason line associated with the status code.
 java.lang.String HTTPResponse.getVersion()
          Get the HTTP version used for the response.
 java.lang.String HTTPResponse.getServer()
          Deprecated. This method is a remnant of V0.1; use getHeader("Server") instead. HTTPResponse.getEffectiveURL()
          Deprecated. use getEffectiveURI() instead
 URI HTTPResponse.getEffectiveURI()
          Get the final URI of the document.
 java.lang.String HTTPResponse.getHeader(java.lang.String hdr)
          Retrieves the value for a given header.
 int HTTPResponse.getHeaderAsInt(java.lang.String hdr)
          Retrieves the value for a given header.
 java.util.Date HTTPResponse.getHeaderAsDate(java.lang.String hdr)
          Retrieves the value for a given header.
 java.util.Enumeration HTTPResponse.listHeaders()
          Returns an enumeration of all the headers available via getHeader().
 java.lang.String HTTPResponse.getTrailer(java.lang.String trailer)
          Retrieves the value for a given trailer.
 int HTTPResponse.getTrailerAsInt(java.lang.String trailer)
          Retrieves the value for a given tailer.
 java.util.Date HTTPResponse.getTrailerAsDate(java.lang.String trailer)
          Retrieves the value for a given trailer.
 java.util.Enumeration HTTPResponse.listTrailers()
          Returns an enumeration of all the trailers available via getTrailer().
 byte[] HTTPResponse.getData()
          Reads all the response data into a byte array.
 java.lang.String HTTPResponse.getText()
          Reads all the response data into a buffer and turns it into a string using the appropriate character converter. HTTPResponse.getInputStream()
          Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read.
 boolean HTTPResponse.retryRequest()
          Should the request be retried by the application? If the application used an HttpOutputStream in the request then various modules (such as the redirection and authorization modules) are not able to resend the request themselves.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Head(java.lang.String file)
          Sends the HEAD request.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Head(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] form_data)
          Sends the HEAD request.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Head(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] form_data, NVPair[] headers)
          Sends the HEAD request.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Head(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String query)
          Sends the HEAD request.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Head(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String query, NVPair[] headers)
          Sends the HEAD request.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Get(java.lang.String file)
          GETs the file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Get(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] form_data)
          GETs the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Get(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] form_data, NVPair[] headers)
          GETs the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Get(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String query)
          GETs the file using the specified query string.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Get(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String query, NVPair[] headers)
          GETs the file using the specified query string.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file)
          POSTs to the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] form_data)
          POSTs form-data to the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] form_data, NVPair[] headers)
          POST's form-data to the specified file using the specified headers.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String data)
          POSTs the data to the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String data, NVPair[] headers)
          POSTs the data to the specified file using the specified headers.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, byte[] data)
          POSTs the raw data to the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, byte[] data, NVPair[] headers)
          POSTs the raw data to the specified file using the specified headers.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, HttpOutputStream stream)
          POSTs the data written to the output stream to the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Post(java.lang.String file, HttpOutputStream stream, NVPair[] headers)
          POSTs the data written to the output stream to the specified file using the specified headers.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Put(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String data)
          PUTs the data into the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Put(java.lang.String file, java.lang.String data, NVPair[] headers)
          PUTs the data into the specified file using the additional headers for the request.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Put(java.lang.String file, byte[] data)
          PUTs the raw data into the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Put(java.lang.String file, byte[] data, NVPair[] headers)
          PUTs the raw data into the specified file using the additional headers.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Put(java.lang.String file, HttpOutputStream stream)
          PUTs the data written to the output stream into the specified file.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Put(java.lang.String file, HttpOutputStream stream, NVPair[] headers)
          PUTs the data written to the output stream into the specified file using the additional headers.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Options(java.lang.String file)
          Request OPTIONS from the server.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Options(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] headers)
          Request OPTIONS from the server.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Options(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] headers, byte[] data)
          Request OPTIONS from the server.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Options(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] headers, HttpOutputStream stream)
          Request OPTIONS from the server.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Delete(java.lang.String file)
          Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Delete(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] headers)
          Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Trace(java.lang.String file, NVPair[] headers)
          Requests a TRACE.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.Trace(java.lang.String file)
          Requests a TRACE.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.ExtensionMethod(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String file, byte[] data, NVPair[] headers)
          This is here to allow an arbitrary, non-standard request to be sent.
 HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.ExtensionMethod(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String file, HttpOutputStream os, NVPair[] headers)
          This is here to allow an arbitrary, non-standard request to be sent.
protected  HTTPResponse HTTPConnection.setupRequest(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String resource, NVPair[] headers, byte[] entity, HttpOutputStream stream)
          Sets up the request, creating the list of headers to send and creating instances of the modules.
 int HTTPClientModule.requestHandler(Request request, Response[] response)
          This is invoked before the request is sent.
 void HTTPClientModule.responsePhase1Handler(Response response, RoRequest request)
          The phase 1 response handler.
 int HTTPClientModule.responsePhase2Handler(Response response, Request request)
          The phase 2 response handler.
 void HTTPClientModule.responsePhase3Handler(Response response, RoRequest request)
          The phase 3 response handler.
 void HTTPClientModule.trailerHandler(Response response, RoRequest request)
          The chunked transfer-encoding (and in future maybe others) can contain trailer fields at the end of the body.

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